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Our Mandate

To raise ambassadors of God's kingdom, in the knowledge and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, with a Kingdom mindset.


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We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.

About Us

How We're Helping

Solution Embassy was Established in 2014, as a Christian community (Church),  with a vision to raise a people with a passion for God. We believe that God's power has the unique ability to change everyone to the best they can ever be. Your situation isn't too bad for a change, why not join us today for a better story tomorrow In Christ.

We are a family oriented Church, focused on inspiring you to develop the fortitude to matter in every matter. 

We are a community of Christians who believe God’s Love has the power to transform the worst of sinners to great saints.

Join one of our transformative services that will change your life forever.


To raise and equip ambassadors in the knowledge and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, with a kingdom mindset. 

Thank You

Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.